Avatar Educational Platform
for virtual classes
delivering personalized and immersive education

Secured Online
a class environment designed to immerse students into the magic world
VR boosted environment
a conferencing tool designed specifically for educational purposes delivering interactive online classes
high-level data protection
search tool for assignment purposes
search tool allowing for the search of credible information and children appropriate information
3D avatar acting as an academic advisor for students with a personalized approach
interactive interface

Immersive Class Environment

integrated speech detection
hate speech detection to allow for a safe and anti-bullying online environment
6,932,074 students enrolled already in distance education
BEFORE COVID-19 started
By 2025 e-learning market
is projected to be
worth $325 Billion
The COVID-19 has resulted in
schools shut for over 1.2 billion children globally
Total closure of schools in some countries is
impacting over 60% of the student population

meet our

'' NOVA was born as a result of frustration over an obsolete education system. I have taught in the world-renowned schools and universities and none was able to cater for the interactive and immersive online classes. ''
- Jean -
I have been passioned about education since my young age. I studied in more than 5 countries which helped me gain an understanding of various education systems. I believe education needs to drive innovation and need to be a driver for a change than just to follow the trends. How we can expect students to create even more innovative solutions and build a better and brighter future if the tools we are teaching them with are dated. There is a limit what you can create with pen and paper sitting behind the desk, and this limit has been exceeded way a long time ago.
- Michaela -
Jean Arnaud
'' When I was in school, I felt the moment I stepped out I had to caught up with the world, especially when it came to technological improvements. To teach young students how to interact with AI-technology in the school is crucial for not only their future but also our own.''
- Patricia -